On Nov. 18, 2018, the members of the Norman Friends Meeting approved the following minute (statement):
Norman Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is an open and affirming faith community. We welcome all who come as religious seekers to share in worship and fully participate in the activities of our common life.
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) has a long-standing tradition of witnessing to the belief of equality and respect for all without regard to social rank, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, or religious background. We recognize and embrace the Light within every individual.
The Norman Monthly Meeting declares our opposition to any and all forms of violence, whether physical or verbal, and to any and all forms of discrimination. We declare our commitment to honoring the gender identity and expression of each person, as determined by that person. We affirm that gender expression and identity may be fluid and changeable. We extend our loving care to people of all genders, including transgender, genderqueer, cisgender, gender non-conforming and intersex persons, their families and friends.
Norman Monthly Meeting minutes our commitment to being an affirming, safe, and nurturing place for everyone to live fully that which the Spirit is leading them to, know that this deepens our worship and enriches our community.
For the Norman Friends Meeting, John Fletcher, clerk
Norman Friends (Quaker) Meeting invites all persons to join us for silent worship held every Sunday at St Anselms of Canterbury 800 Elm, Norman Oklahoma.
A children’s’ program is provided the first and third Sunday of each month
www.normanquakers.org |