Quaker Testimonies

An old Quaker story tells of a puzzled newcomer’s question, “when does the service begin?” “When the meeting for worship ends,” came the reply. Not believing in creeds, Quakers developed “testimonies”, that are a set of principles used to guide one’s life. Some of the primary ones are:

Simplicity: A voluntary simplicity of life is central to the Quaker Way . Mental and material clutter destroys peace of mind and distracts us from the spiritual values by which we seek to live. Even more so, in a world of limited and shrinking resources, our luxuries may deny others of their necessities, creating poverty, want, and war.

Peace: Of all the testimonies identified with Quakers, the peace testimony is perhaps the best known and most controversial. The Society of Friends is committed to non-violence as the method of dealing with conflict on both a personal and societal level. In the three centuries of their existence, Quakers have given the world a powerful and consistent witness to peace and non-violence. Individual Quakers have often accepted persecution and imprisonment rather than take up arms. Friends reject the notion that violence is an inevitable element of the human condition. The quest for peace will always begin within the individual human heart and with the knowledge that peace is more than simply the absence of violence, it is also the presence of justice, tolerance, equity, and love.

Integrity: Quakers strive to put truth, honesty and integrity into practice in their daily lives, in dealings with others, and in the internal conversations they have with themselves.

“Let your lives speak” –– George Fox

Equality: The conviction that the presence of the divine dwells within each person has led to a radical commitment to human equality within Quakerism. Regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, or economic status, all people are deserving of respect and dignity. Quakers have often been at the forefront of important social movements including humane treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill, abolition of slavery, and equal rights for women and the LGBTQ+ community.

Stewardship: Stewardship of our natural and economic resources is an emerging testimony that unites many of our Quaker ideals. Our faith gives us a direct call to action. We must protect our natural environment and live simply so that all people may share in the earth’s bounty. Economic justice is the prerequisite of peace.